JN Money Provides 40 Jamaican Women with an Opportunity to Get Screened for Breast Cancer

    JN Money

    Hygena Reid (left), a breast cancer survivor and Carolind Graham, chairperson of Jamaica Reach to Recovery, show off their Power of Pink t-shirts in support of the JN Power of Pink annual campaign to observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This year the JN Group, along with its member company JN Money, are observing the month under the theme: Pink 40: Beyond the Ribbon to emphasise the importance of screening and breast self-examinations, especially among women 40 years and older. JN Money will be gifting 40 women in Jamaica with mammograms, which remains difficult to access for many women across the country; and will also be donating US$1 from every JN Money transaction to Jamaica to the Jamaica Cancer Society and Jamaica Reach to Recovery.   

    The only fully Jamaican-owned remittance brand, JN Money, has pledged to finance mammograms for 40 women who are relatives or friends of its customers.  JN Money has partnered with its sister company, JN Bank – members of the JN Group to finance mammograms for nearly 100 women in Jamaica for the month of October.

    The move comes as breast cancer remains the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in Jamaica and the leading cancer in women. It accounted for 16.7 per cent of new cancer cases in Jamaica last year, according to the Global Cancer Observatory, or 1,208 cases. Of that number, 637 persons died.

    “This year, we’re observing our Power of Pink campaign under the theme, Pink40: Beyond the Ribbon, to emphasise the importance of a mammogram screening, particularly for women in their 40’s,” underscored Sanya Wallace, senior manager strategic planning and marketing,

    Pointing to a recent message to commemorate Breast Cancer Awareness Month from the office of JN Group CEO, Earl Jarrett, who is also chairman of the Jamaica Cancer Society, Miss Wallace noted that there is a dearth of mammography machines in the public health system and that the cost for private screening is prohibitive to some women. This is while health experts recommend screening at least once per year for women, especially at age 40 and over, whose risk increase significantly annually. Mammography can detect lumps at least two years before they are felt, and other abnormalities that could lead to cancer.

    “JN Money continues to help our customers find a way, by providing access to mammograms to aid in detecting this disease in its early stages. Miss Wallace

    “This year, for the month of October, we are, therefore, providing loved ones overseas with an opportunity to not only send money to assist with household and other kinds of expenses, but to gift a woman they love and care about in Jamaica with the opportunity to get screened for breast cancer,” Miss Wallaces said.

    JN Money Services’ Cedrica Reid (left), digital officer and Tanisha Cowan, marketing specialist celebrate the Power of Pink- an annual campaign by the JN Group in Jamaica to observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The JN Group, along with its member company JN Money, are this year celebrating the month under the theme: Pink 40: Beyond the Ribbon to emphasise the importance of screening and breast self-examinations, especially among women 40 years and older. JN Money is gifting 40 women in Jamaica with mammograms, and will also be donating US$1 from every JN Money transaction to Jamaica to the Jamaica Cancer Society and Jamaica Reach to Recovery.

    JN Money, which has a wide network across the globe, will provide a total of 40 customers in the United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Turks & Caicos, Antigua, Dominica and Guyana with the opportunity to nominate a female family member or a friend in Jamaica, age 40 and older, for a free mammogram. All they need to do is visit www.jnmoneyonline.com to sign up for a chance to be selected.

    Beyond that, JN Money customers locally and overseas can also donate to the Jamaica Cancer Society (JCS) and Jamaica Reach to Recovery by depositing a donation in specially marked Power of Pink cans at JN Money branches or agents. JN Money will also donate US$1 for every transaction to Jamaica from the US during October.

    Persons also have the opportunity to submit the name of a ‘warrior’ currently bravely fighting breast cancer, and/or a ‘hero’ who fought bravely until the end. Their names will be posted in a tribute on the company’s website and social media pages.

    “Cancer does not discriminate, and in a pandemic, which has not only ravaged us socially, but also economically, the decision to get screened for many women has become much more difficult. We, therefore, all have to play our part so that we can sustain the fight against serious diseases, such as cancer, especially in times like these,” said Miss Wallace.

    “Our women are central to our development in so many ways. Let’s help them to fight and to live.”

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